John Mills is a founding attorney with Phillips Black, a non-profit public interest organization dedicated to providing the highest standard of representation to individuals facing sentences of death and life without parole throughout the country. For almost fifteen years, he has represented such individuals in state and federal post-conviction proceedings. He has also frequently brought his expertise to bear as counsel for amici in appellate cases. He teaches law school courses on capital punishment, criminal procedure, and litigation at UC Hastings College of Law, San Francisco, California.  He also has a substantial body of legal scholarship, including empirical work on the administration of juvenile life without parole sentences. His article, Juvenile Life Without Parole in Law and Practice: Chronicling the Rapid Change Underway,  65 American U. L. Rev. 535 (2016) with Anna Dorn and Amelia Hritz, was cited by the Supreme Court in Jones v. Mississippi,  141 S. Ct. 1307 (2021).