Become a Member

If you are a lawyer representing an individual on death row, we want to help you. We understand that often you are appointed late in the process or have never defended a capital case. With more than seven decades of combined experience, we have represented clients facing the death penalty and litigated issues common to death penalty cases. We have offered support and training in every death penalty jurisdiction in the United States, and we can help you.

Becoming a member of MCHN will give you access to

  • Free continuing legal education materials
  • Exclusive case information
  • Our newsletter on the latest legal developments
  • Mitigation resources
  • Attorneys available for consultation

The “Members Only” information is restricted to appointed counsel and professionals who assist them in providing essential legal and expert services to their clients. (We can bold this if you would like.)

This web site was created to help pro bono and court-appointed defense teams better represent their clients in habeas corpus proceedings challenging convictions and sentences of death.

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